Membership Packages and Pricing
We will be implementing a rate increase at The Vista Schooling Center, effective April 15, 2024. While we understand that a rate increase is never welcome news, we want to be transparent about the reasons for this change.
Over the past few years, we have experienced increased costs for maintaining our facility and courses, and we need to make this adjustment to keep up with rising costs associated with fertilizers, grass seed, irrigation repair, and general maintenance. We continue to invest in The Vista to ensure that it remains a top quality venue for our members and our guests.
We appreciate your understanding and loyalty to The Vista. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you at The Vista soon!
$60 Per Session Per Horse – Access to All Fields
All memberships include:
Access to All Fields and Arenas
Outside Business Hours Appointments – Upon Request
Members Only Events and Parties

One Star
Unlimited Access to Full Facility
1 Horse Per Day
Two Star
Unlimited Access to Full Facility
2 Horses Per Day