The Vista Hunter Pace
Join us for a fun, casual competition! Everyone is welcome!
November 19, 2022
Closing Date: November 15.
Entries with late fees are accepted through the day of.
$15 late fee after the closing date.
$60 Per Rider and includes lunch.
Proof of negative coggins and safety helmet with harness required.
Maximum 4 riders per team, placing on optimal time.
Green Line: Walk, Trot, Canter & Jumping (you can also go around all jumps)
White Line: Walk, Trot and Canter
Ribbons Awarded 1st – 6th Place.
Prizes from Sponsors.
Prizes for Best Team Name, Best Turned-Out, and Best Costume!
8:00 AM: Registration
8:30 AM: First Ride Out
11:00 AM: Last Ride Out
11:00 AM: Lunch
**Cross-Country Schooling is available on show day for any
Entered horse at $30/horse.